Some Quick Guide Lines

About This Guide

This guide is for beginners, but not beginner enough that you don't already know a bit about PHP. It's designed to help teach a more modern and secure PHP and MySQL integration.

The idea is that you should already know simple constructs like variables, for loops, if statements, and the like.

If you don't know anything about this, you should consult the many myriad PHP tutorials out there on the 'net.

Some Quick Guide Lines

I'm assuming you already have a working web based PHP and MySQL setup. If you don't, I'll be covering this issue with a future lesson that will help you set up this system on an Ubuntu system within a Virtual Machine.

We're going to be building on top of the previous MySQL lesson plan and the employees database we built there. If you haven't done that, you can go here to learn more about it.

In this lesson plan, we're going to develop a complete employee list. Our application will allow us to add, change, and delete employees names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Through this, we'll create a simple PHP application that teaches us about database storage, application security, simple authentication, data encryption, and more...